Symphonic Piece, For Tenor Trombone And Piano 小品 長號 鋼琴
菲力浦-高貝(1879-1941 年)是一位傑出的長笛演奏家。因此,他為管樂器創作的作品成為曲目中的佼佼者也就不足為奇了,《次中音長號交響曲》也不例外。 作為巴黎歌劇院的長笛演奏家,高貝的職業生涯十分輝煌,之後他被任命為巴黎音樂學院的長笛教授,並擔任主要交響樂團的首席指揮。正是在此期間,高貝開始創作,包括他的《次中音長號與鋼琴交響曲》。交響曲》涉及許多技術特點,包括華麗的半音階段落、寬廣的音域、抒情的旋律、不尋常的音程、半音階和複雜的節奏,對於有抱負的高級次中音長號演奏者來說,這是一首極具挑戰性,但又引人入勝、激動人心的作品"
作曲家: Philippe Gaubert
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Symphonic Piece For Tenor
“Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941) was a distinguished performer on the Flute. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that his compositions for wind instruments are at the forefront of the repertoire, Symphonic Piece for Tenor Trombone being no exception. After a prominent career as a flautist with the Paris Opéra, Gaubert was appointed as professor of Flute at the Paris Conservatoire, as well as principal conductor of leading orchestras. It was during this time that Gaubert composed, including his Symphonic Piece for Tenor Trombone and Piano. Addressing many technical features, including flourishing semiquaver passages, a wide range, lyrical melodies, unusual intervals, chromaticism and complex rhythms, Symphonic Piece is a challenging, yet riveting and stirring piece for aspiring advanced Tenor Trombone players.”