
Suite G major 組曲大調 小提琴 3把以上 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD
$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD

曲家約翰-克裡斯托夫-法布林(Johann Christoph Faber,約生於 1700 年)的巴羅克三部曲 "組曲 "最初是為木笛創作的。這首為三件絃樂器(中提琴自選)全新改編的樂曲,填補了新一代絃樂器演奏家在這方面的空白,非常適合兒童弦樂三重奏以及與弦樂小組和學校管弦樂隊合作。它的技術難度相當低: 所有小提琴聲部均可在第一位置演奏(只有第一小提琴有時需要第四位置)。音樂學校的小提琴班對小提琴三重奏版本特別感興趣,因為這部易於演奏的作品音色優美,是最能激勵學生的 "實用音樂"。套曲也可由兩把小提琴和大提琴或兩把小提琴和中提琴演奏"

作曲家: Faber, Johann Christoph
編者: Mohrs, Peter
樂器: 2 violins and cello (viola) or 3 violins
出版社: Schott Music

Overture - Bourrée - Marsch - Meuet 1 - Menuet 2 - Air

The three-part Baroque 'Suite' by the composer Johann Christoph Faber (born around 1700) was originally composed for recorders. This new arrangement for three string instruments (viola ad lib.) closes a gap in the literature for the up-and-coming generation of string instrument players for it is ideal for children's string trio and for the work with string music groups and school orchestras. Its level of technical difficulty is quite low: All violin parts can be played in the first position (only the first violin sometimes requires the fourth position). The violin trio version should be of special interest to violin classes at music schools as the easy-to-play work is beautiful sounding, and motivating 'utility music', in the best sense of the word. As an alternative, the suite can also be played by 2 violins and violoncello or two violins and viola.
頁數: 28
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790001152273
UPC: 841886011045
