Suite for Alto Saxophone and Piano 組曲中音薩氏管 鋼琴 薩氏管
保羅-博諾的 Suite for Alto Saxophone and Piano創作於 1944 年。由四個短樂章組成: 1. 即興曲》、《夢之舞》、《平原》、《幻想曲》,讓人聯想到 20 世紀初的法國新古典主義。這首組曲適合中高級演奏者演奏,因為技術含量不高。保羅-博諾(1918-1995 年)是法國古典作曲家。他改編並創作了 11 部芭蕾舞劇/歌劇,並改編了奧芬巴赫的一些作品"
作曲家: Paul Bonneau
樂器: Alto Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Suite For Alto Sax
Suite for Alto Saxophone and Piano by Paul Bonneau was composed in 1944. Written in four short movements: 1. Improvisation, 2. Danse des démons, 3. Plainte, 4. Éspièglerie, Suite for Alto Saxophone and Piano is reminiscent of the early 20th century French Neoclassicism. This suite could be played by advanced-intermediate and advanced players, as the technicality is not too strong. Paul Bonneau (1918-1995) is a French classical composer. He adapted and wrote 11 ballets/operettas and arranged some pieces by Offenbach.