Suite de Pièces op. 3 for violin and piano 柯爾瑞基-泰勒 組曲 小提琴鋼琴 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
1892 年 12 月 24 日,撒母耳-柯勒律治-泰勒(Samuel Coleridge-Taylor)獲得了肖特公司(Schott & Co. 1892 年 12 月 24 日,倫敦,當時作曲家年僅 17 歲。次年,這部作品由肖特音樂德國分公司出版,有小提琴配鋼琴和小提琴配管風琴兩種版本。柯勒律治-泰勒出生於倫敦,在克羅伊登長大。他自幼學習小提琴,是公認的神童,15 歲時獲得皇家音樂學院獎學金,師從查理斯-維利爾斯-斯坦福,與霍爾斯特和沃恩-威廉姆斯同時代。科勒律治-泰勒自稱是盎格魯非洲人,儘管得到了同事的支持,但在他的整個職業生涯中都面臨著種族歧視。儘管存在這種偏見,而且 1912 年他不幸早逝,年僅 37 歲,但他在有生之年仍取得了巨大成功,從 1898 年到 1939 年,他的音樂在 Proms 音樂節上演出了不下 116 次。相比之下,自 1940 年以來,他的音樂只在舞會上演出過 11 次。和許多作品一樣,《Suite de Pièces》也曾一度絕版。 肖特音樂非常榮幸地推出這一新的小提琴與鋼琴現代演奏版。第一版中的錯誤和不一致之處現已得到糾正"
作曲家: Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
I Pastorale - II Cavatina - III Barcarolle - IV Contemplation
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor was paid three guineas for the publishing rights to his Suite de Pièces by Schott & Co. London on 24 December 1892 when the composer was just 17 years old. In the following year the work was published by Schott Music's German office in versions for both violin with piano and violin with organ. Coleridge-Taylor was born in London and brought up in Croydon. He learnt to play the violin, was recognised as a child prodigy and at 15 was awarded a scholarship to study at the Royal College of Music with Charles Villiers Stanford, where he was a contemporary of Holst and Vaughan Williams. Coleridge-Taylor described himself Anglo-African and, despite support from his colleagues, faced racism throughout his whole career. In spite of this prejudice and his tragically early death in 1912 aged just 37, he enjoyed great success during his lifetime and his music was performed at the Proms no less than 116 times between 1898 and 1939. In contrast, since 1940 his music has only been heard there on eleven occasions. Like many works, at some point in the past Suite de Pièces became out of print. Schott Music is very proud to present this new modern performing edition of the version for violin and piano. Errors and inconsistencies from the first edition have now been corrected.