Spiritual Concerto I want to die easy 靈歌協奏曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
赫爾穆特-W-梅為小提琴和絃樂團創作的《精神協奏曲》具備了成為年輕小提琴獨奏家保留曲目所需的一切條件:難度適中,儘管採用了當代的調性語言,但卻能通過單個音色、簡單的技術手段和時而充滿活力的節奏營造出深沉的詩意背景,令人回味無窮。這首協奏曲的特點是 "我想輕鬆地死去",它在旋律和內容上都為我們帶來了一個全新的、形式上非傳統的音樂世界: 非裔美國人的特點與歐洲協奏曲的傳統融為一體"
作曲家: May, Helmut W.
樂器: violin and string orchestra
出版社: Schott Music
I Spiritual - Choral - Nachtstück - II Bagatelle 1, 2 und 3 - III Kadenz - Elegie
The Spiritual Concerto for violin and string orchestra by Helmut W. May has everything that is necessary to become a repertory piece for -young violin soloists: of medium difficulty, rewarding, despite the comtemporary tonal language that creates a deep poetic background with the help of individual sounds, simple technical means and at times with vigour full of brio. The concerto is characterised by the spiritual I want to die easy which leads to a new, formally unconventional world of music both as to melody and as to contents: Afro-American features merge with European concerto tradition.