Songs Of Don Quichotte (song Of Death) 伊貝爾
雅克-伊伯特(Jacques Ibert,1890-1962 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,之後開始了成功的作曲生涯。1933 年,他為電影《唐吉訶德》創作了配樂,從此聲名鵲起。 唐吉訶德》的製片人曾分別邀請五位作曲家為影片創作歌曲,這引起了爭議。每一位作曲家都認為只有自己被邀請,當伊伯特的音樂最終被選入影片時,這讓他有些尷尬,因為同樣被邀請的莫里斯-拉威爾是他的好友。死亡頌歌》出現在影片結尾,主人公唐吉訶德受到巨大打擊而死。伊伯特的《死亡頌歌》涉及音樂的方方面面和技巧,是低音提琴曲目中極具挑戰性但又令人回味無窮的作品"
作曲家: Jacques Ibert
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Songs Of Don Quichotte
“Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) studied at the Paris Conservatoire before embarking upon a successful composing career. The film Don Quichotte increased his popularity when he composed the musical score in 1933. Controversially, the producers of Don Quichotte asked five composers separately to compose songs for the film. Each composer thought only he had been approached, and when Ibert's music was eventually chosen for the film, it caused him some embarrassment as Maurice Ravel, who had also been approached, was a close friend of his. Chanson de la Mort comes toward the end of the film, when the main character, Don Quichotte, receives a great shock and dies. Addressing a variety of musical aspects and techniques, Ibert's Chanson de la Mort is a challenging yet evocative addition to the Bass repertoire.”