Sonatine for Flute and Piano 迪悌耶 長笛(含鋼琴伴奏)
這首迷人的長笛鋼琴曲Sonatine創作於 1943 年,是亨利-杜蒂耶(1916-2013 年)早期作品的一部分,他是法國作曲家莫里斯-拉威爾(Maurice Ravel)和克勞德-德彪西(Claude Debussy)的追隨者。儘管作曲家後來對它頗有微詞,但這首長達 9 分鐘的 Sonatine 卻是他作品中錄製最多的一首,並已成為長笛曲目中的標準曲目。它由三個樂章組成,以快板開頭,接著是安多特樂章,最後是快板Animé。亨利-杜蒂約的作品在國際上享有盛譽,曾榮獲皇家愛樂協會金獎和聯合國教科文組織國際作曲家獎等眾多獎項。他的作品還包括鋼琴和雙簧管奏鳴曲、兩部交響曲、大提琴協奏曲Tout un monde lointain(整個遙遠的世界)、小提琴協奏曲L'arbre des songses(夢想之樹)和絃樂四重奏Ainsi la nuit(如此之夜)"
作曲家: Henri Dutilleux
樂器: Flute; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Sonatine Flute Traversiere Et
Created in 1943 as part of the four exam pieces for the Paris Conservatoire, this charming Sonatine for flute and piano is part of the early works of Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013), a French Composer following the paths of Maurice Ravel and Claude Debussy. Even though the composer was later quite critical about it, this Sonatine, which lasts 9 minutes, is the most recorded of his compositions and has become a standard in the flute repertoire. Composed of three movements, it begins with a tempoAllegretto, followed by a part more Andanteand finishes with a cadence Animé. Henri Dutilleux was internationally acclaimed for his work winning prizes such as the Gold Medal of the Royal Philharmonic Society and the UNESCO's International Rostrum of Composers, among many others. His work also includes sonatas for piano and for oboe, two symphonies, the cello concerto Tout un monde lointain (A whole distant world), the violin concerto L'arbre des songes (The tree of dreams) and the string quartet Ainsi la nuit (Thus the night).