
Sonatina G major from: Progressive lessons for the Violoncello 小奏鳴曲大調 大提琴 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$600TWD - $600TWD

約瑟夫-萊納格(Joseph Reinagle,1762-1825 年)是著名大提琴家約翰-喬治-謝特基(Johann Georg Schetky)的學生,是一位多才多藝的音樂家和作曲家。1800 年,他出版了《大提琴演奏簡明入門》,本奏鳴曲的三個樂章即取材於此。這首樂曲旋律優美,風格古典,填補了初學者樂曲中的一大空白,因為幾乎沒有簡單易學的古典大提琴和鋼琴奏鳴曲。萊納格的《奏鳴曲》非常適合在音樂會和比賽中演奏。音樂文本以第一版的文本為基礎,使用原始的弓法和樂句。編者增加了動態指示,作為教學建議"

作曲家: Reinagle, Joseph
編者: Mohrs, Rainer
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Joseph Reinagle (1762-1825), pupil of the well-known cellist Johann Georg Schetky, was a versatile musician and composer. In 1800 he published 'A Concise Introduction to the Playing of the Violoncello' from which the three movements of the Sonatina have been taken. With its appealing melody and classical style, this music closes a major gap in the beginner's literature as there are hardly any easy-to-play classical sonatas for cello and piano. Reinagle's Sonatina is highly recommended for pupils' concerts and competitions since it is played exclusively in the first position. The musical text is based on the text of the first edition, using the original bowing and phrasing. Dynamic indications have been added by the editor as suggestions for lessons.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001172028
