
Sonatina for violin and piano op. 35a 胡麥爾.貝托爾德 小奏鳴曲小提琴鋼琴 小提琴加鋼琴

$1,180TWD - $1,180TWD
$1,180TWD - $1,180TWD

貝托爾德-胡梅爾(Bertold Hummel)創作於 1969 年的《奏鳴曲作品 35》作為教育和獨奏曲,陪伴著許多年輕音樂家走過自己的道路。這首作品在全世界已售出上千次,是作曲家最著名的作品之一,並被德國音樂理事會列入'Jugend musiziert'比賽的曲目清單。三個樂章的特點是熱情洋溢、節奏激昂:在強勁有力的進行曲中,主部主題的音色與抒情的副部主題形成鮮明對比;再現部以衝動的賦格結束。第二樂章 "優雅"(Elegie)由鋼琴球形和聲中的一段深情旋律構成。最後樂章 "活潑"(Finale vivace)中,俏皮的輕鬆、行進的節奏和戲劇性的強化交替出現,狂野的琶音為樂曲畫上了句號。為紀念其 50 歲生日,Simrock / Boosey & Hawkes推出了該作品的全新修訂版。中音薩克斯管和次中音薩克斯管版本由作曲家本人于 20 世紀 90 年代創作,現在首次推出,是初學樂器演奏者曲目中的寶貴補充

作曲家: Hummel, Bertold
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Simrock / Benjamin

Maestoso - Elegie - Finale vivace

As an educational and recital piece, Bertold Hummel's Sonatina Op. 35, composed in 1969, has accompanied many a young musician following his or her own path. Having sold a thousand times all over the world, it is one of the composer's best-known works and has been included in the repertoire list for the 'Jugend musiziert' competition by the German Music Council. The three movements are characterized by warmth and exciting rhythms: in the powerful Maestoso, the sonority of the main theme is contrasted with a lyrical side theme; the recapitulation ends with an impulsive Fugato. The second movement Elegie consists of a single soulful melody over spherical harmonies of the piano. As a highlight, playful ease, marching rhythms and dramatic intensifications alternate in quick succession in the Finale vivace, followed by wild arpeggios that conclude the piece.Originally composed for violin, versions for viola and violoncello were already commonly used. To mark its 50th birthday, Simrock / Boosey & Hawkes present the work in a revised, newly set edition. Written in the 1990s by the composer himself and now available for the first time, the versions for alto and tenor saxophone are valuable additions to the repertoire for beginning instrumentalists.
頁數: 20
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790221122551
ISBN: 9783923051700
UPC: 840126925098
