Sonate op. 1/3 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
G大調奏鳴曲作品1/3通常被認為是朱塞佩-薩馬蒂尼(Giuseppe Sammartini)的作品,但現在人們知道它是馬丁-貝爾托(Martin Berteau)的作品。這一版本呈現了第四樂章'愛莫洛索迴旋曲',帶有雙音和聲,這在之前的版本中是缺失的"
作曲家: Berteau, Martin / Sammartini, Giuseppe
編者: Ellis, Beverley
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Morning Stroll - Homesickness - The Joker - Twilight - Little Horseman - On Winter's Eve - Burlesque - In a Fortress - Thieves and Policeman - Waltz
The Sonata in G major Op. 1/3 is commonly attributed to Giuseppe Sammartini; however, it now known to be the work of Martin Berteau. This edition presents the fourth movement, an 'Amoroso Rondeau' with double-stopped harmonics, which was missing in previous editions.