Sonate for Alto Sax and Piano 泰勒曼 中音薩氏管 鋼琴
德國巴羅克作曲家喬治-菲力浦-泰勒曼(1681-1767 年)是一位自學成才的多樂器演奏家,他違背家人的意願成為一名作曲家。然而,在他的音樂生涯中,他擔任過重要職務,直到今天,他仍然是一位重要的作曲家。當代法國薩克斯管演奏家讓-瑪麗-隆戴克斯(Jean-Marie Londeix)為中音薩克斯管改編了他的C小調雙簧管奏鳴曲。 泰勒曼是在為德國皇室服務期間創作《C 小調雙簧管奏鳴曲》的。在此期間,他創作了大量器樂作品,包括奏鳴曲和協奏曲。隆戴克斯為薩克斯管改編的泰勒曼奏鳴曲包括對樂器的改編,如動態、樂句標記、演奏和節奏指示、發音和呼吸標記,使薩克斯管這一相對現代的樂器也能演奏巴羅克體裁"
作曲家: Georg Philipp Telemann
校訂者: Jean-Marie Londeix
樂器: Piano Accompaniment; Alto Sax
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
German baroque composer, Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) was a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, becoming a composer against his family's wishes. However, his musical career saw him hold important positions and, to this day, he remains a major composer. His sublime Sonata in C minor for Oboe is superbly arranged for alto saxophone by contemporary French saxophonist, Jean-Marie Londeix. Telemann composed his Sonata in C minor for Oboe while in service to the German royal family. During this time, he composed a wealth of instrumental music, including sonatas and concertos. Londeix's arrangement for saxophone of Telemann's sonata includes adaptions for the instrument, such as dynamics, phrase marks, performance and tempo directions, articulation and breath marks, making the baroque genre accessible to the saxophone, a relatively modern instrument.