Sonatas for Violin and Piano Band 2 Based on the sources edited by Ute Bär. Arrangement of the violin part by Christiane Edinger. Fingerings of the piano part by Peter Roggenkamp 舒曼.羅伯特 奏鳴曲小提琴鋼琴 編曲 小提琴 鋼琴 小提琴加鋼琴 維也納原典版
在《羅伯特-舒曼小提琴奏鳴曲》第二卷中,Wiener Urtext 版介紹了舒曼、勃拉姆斯和阿爾伯特-迪特裡希共同創作的《F.A.E.奏鳴曲》,以及經過編輯的版本,其中勃拉姆斯和迪特裡希的樂章被替換為羅伯特-舒曼的第三首小提琴奏鳴曲。本版本以 2002 年出版的《新舒曼全集》中的版本為基礎,因此採用了最新的音樂學研究成果。就《F.A.E.》奏鳴曲而言,主要是在動態和銜接方面略有改動。至於舒曼的第三小提琴奏鳴曲,本版與 1956 年出版的初版和 1988 年略作修訂的新版有較大差異。由於新發現的文獻,迄今為止尚無法明確確定的中間樂章的順序與早期版本相比有所改變。此外,第一版中在最後 13 小節之前的中間部分第一段的重複被省略了,但這並非舒曼的本意。然而,作曲家要求的尾聲開始前前八小節的重複,在迄今為止的出版物中卻沒有出現,因此被添加了進去。此外,與第一版不同的是,新版包含了第一樂章第 100 小節的變奏,舒曼並未將其完整寫出
作曲家: Schumann, Robert
編者: Baer, Ute
校訂者: Roggenkamp, Peter
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition
Schumann, Robert: F-A-E-Sonate a-Moll (Schumann, Brahms, Dietrich) - Schumann, Robert: 3. Sonate a-Moll (Schumann) WoO 2
In Vol. 2 of the Violin Sonatas by Robert Schumann, the Wiener Urtext Edition presents the F.A.E. sonata jointly composed by Schumann, Brahms and Albert Dietrich, as well as the edited version, with the movements of Brahms and Dietrich being replaced, as third violin sonata of Robert Schumann. The present edition is based on the edition published in 2002 in the New Schumann Complete Edition and thus on the latest musicological findings. In the case of the F.A.E. sonata, this is mainly a matter of slight changes in the fields of dynamics and articulation. In the case of Schumann's third violin sonata, the present edition differs more significantly from the first edition published in 1956 and the slightly revised new edition of 1988. The order of the middle movements the accuracy of which could not be clearly determined up to now has been changed, compared to the earlier editions, because of newly found documents. In addition, the repetition of the first section of the middle part notated in the first edition before the last 13 bars, yet not intended by Schumann has been omitted. The repetition demanded by the composer, however, of the first eight bars before the beginning of the coda which is missing in hitherto publications has been added. Moreover, in contrast to the first edition, the new edition contains a variant for bar 100 in the first movement which was not written out in full by Schumann.