
Sonatas and Partitas BWV 1001-1006 for violin 巴赫約翰‧瑟巴斯提安 奏鳴曲組曲 小提琴 小提琴獨奏 維也納原典版

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$1,350TWD - $1,350TWD

約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)的小提琴獨奏奏鳴曲和帕蒂塔是同類作品中最著名的傑作。與密切相關的《大提琴獨奏組曲》不同的是,小提琴獨奏曲是以作曲家的親筆手稿形式保存下來的,僅憑這份手稿就能獲得基本可靠的音樂文本。不過,這份手稿是作曲家以前的草稿副本或甚至更多的公正副本的複製品。Wiener Urtext Edition 使用了一份來自 Köthen 的早期抄寫員的副本作為第二手資料,而這份副本作為資料來源直到現在都沒有得到很高的評價。儘管該抄本與現存的親筆手稿十分接近,但我們仍不能排除該抄本可能源自巴赫的另一份原稿的可能性。無論如何,現存清樣中的一些明顯錯誤可以根據其文本得到澄清;此外,它還提供了許多其他地方沒有注明的銜接方式(有些甚至有替代方案),這些都是如何根據作品的起源時間來演奏這些作品的範例。在《詮釋說明》中,達格瑪-格呂克薩姆解釋了巴赫音樂文本的音樂修辭內容與適當演奏之間的關係,從而說明了許多既定詮釋版本的演奏說明是多麼荒謬"

作曲家: Bach, Johann Sebastian
編者: Gluexam, Dagmar
樂器: violin
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Sonata II a-Moll BWV 1003 - Sonata III C-Dur BWV 1005 - Partita II d-Moll BWV 1004 - Sonata I g-Moll BWV 1001 - Partita I h-Moll BWV 1002 - Partita III E-Dur BWV 1006

Johann Sebastian Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo are among the most famous masterpieces of their kind. Unlike the closely related Suites for Violoncello Solo, the violin solos have survived in an autograph manuscript of the composer on the basis of which alone a largely reliable musical text is available. However, this manuscript is a copy of previous draft copies or even further fair copies of the composer. Wiener Urtext Edition uses an early copyist's copy from Köthen as a secondary source which has not been valued very highly as a source until now. Despite its closeness to the extant autograph, one cannot rule out the possibility that this copy might be traced back to another original manuscript by Bach. At any rate, some obvious mistakes of the extant fair copy can be clarified on the basis of its text; in addition, it provides a number of articulations not indicated elsewhere (some even with alternatives) which are examples of how these works can be performed according to their time of origin. In the Notes of Interpretation, Dagmar Glüxam explains the relationship between the musical-rhetorical contents of Bach's musical text and their adequate performance, thus showing how absurd many a performance instruction of established interpretive editions is.
頁數: 102
重量(g): 410
ISMN: 9790500572800
ISBN: 9783850556446
UPC: 800522002137
