Sonata (soprano Saxophone And Piano) 泰勒曼 奏鳴曲薩氏管 鋼琴
"《奏鳴曲》是為降 B 調高音薩克斯管和鋼琴而作的樂曲,由 G. P. 泰勒曼(1681-1767 年)作曲,並由讓-瑪麗-隆戴克斯(Jean-Marie Londeix)評論。這首曲子旋律優美,副標題為 "Sicilianna",頗具挑戰性(中高級水準),時長 7 分半鐘。 樂曲分為四個部分 1. 前奏曲(12/8 拍,速度 50)、2.舞曲(3/4 拍,速度 100)、3.前奏曲(4/4 拍,速度 72)和迴旋曲(2/4 拍,速度 120)。 Jean-Marie Londeix 是一位學習薩克斯管和鋼琴的音樂家。他在室內樂、和聲以及音樂史方面也頗有建樹,曾獲得巴黎音樂學院一等獎和榮譽獎""
作曲家: Georg Philipp Telemann
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Sonata is a piece for Bb Soprano Saxophone and Piano composed by G. P. Telemann (1681-1767) and reviewed by Jean-Marie Londeix. Highly melodious, this piece, subtitled Sicilianna, is quite challenging (upper intermediate/advanced level) and lasts 7 and a half minutes. The four parts of this piece are: 1. Andante (12/8 tempo 50), 2. Spiritoso (3/4 tempo 100), 3. Andante (4/4 tempo 72) and Vivace (2/4 tempo 120). Jean-Marie Londeix is a musician who studied the Saxophone and the Piano. He also had some strong knowledge of chamber music, harmonies and of music history and obtained a First Prize and a Prize of Honour at the Paris Conservatoire.”