Sonata op. 121 莫謝萊斯 奏鳴曲 大提琴加鋼琴
如今,伊格納茨-莫舍萊斯(Ignaz Moscheles,1794-1870 年)作為一位重要的鋼琴演奏家和眾多鋼琴作品的作曲家只為專家所熟知,這些作品在他的時代經常被演奏。他與菲力克斯-孟德爾松保持著終生友誼。除了通常高度精湛的鋼琴作品外,莫舍萊斯還創作了許多有趣的室內樂作品。現在的 E 大調奏鳴曲作品 121 這首為大提琴和鋼琴而作的 E 大調奏鳴曲作品 121 創作於 1850 年,正是羅伯特-舒曼創作大提琴協奏曲的同一年。除了美妙而精緻的浪漫風格元素外,這部偉大的作品還具有一些獨特而新穎的想法,是音樂會的理想之選"
作曲家: Moscheles, Ignaz
編者: Wolf, Juergen
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Robert Lienau
Today, Ignaz Moscheles (17941870) is known only to experts as an important piano virtuoso and composer of numerous piano works which were frequently performed in his time. He kept up a lifelong friendship with Felix Mendelssohn. In addition to his usually highly virtuoso piano compositions, Moscheles also wrote interesting chamber music. The present Sonata in E major op. 121 for violoncello and piano was written in 1850, the very same year in which Robert Schumann wrote his cello concerto. Apart from wonderful and elaborate romantic elements of style, this great work features some unique and original ideas which makes it an ideal choice for a concert.