Sonata No. 1 "Pinus" 鋼琴 奏鳴曲 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
2020 年 7 月尼古拉-卡普斯京去世後不久,阿不創作了這首奏鳴曲的第一張草圖。副標題 "Pinus"(松樹)是為了紀念卡普斯京深厚的藝術修養和音樂毅力。它的四樂章結構和爵士樂風格以卡普斯京的奏鳴曲-幻想作品 39 為基礎。
作曲家: Bu A
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
A Bu composed the first sketch of this sonata shortly after the death of Nikolai Kapustin in July 2020. The subtitle “Pinus” (Pine) is given in memory of Kapustin’s profound artistry and musical determination. Its four-movement structure and jazz style are based on Kapustin's Sonata-Fantasy Op. 39
難度: difficult
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790001217125
UPC: 842819118312