
Sonata No. 1 C Major 齊里 奏鳴曲 大調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$650TWD - $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD

義大利音樂家喬瓦尼-巴蒂斯塔-西裡(Giovanni Battista Cirri,1724-1808 年)一生中創作了大量作品。這位繁忙的大提琴演奏家自然主要為'他'的樂器創作作品,包括協奏曲和奏鳴曲,但也為其他樂器創作了大量室內樂作品,偶爾也為管弦樂隊或宗教場合創作作品。這首 C 大調奏鳴曲非常適合初學者學習。對於年輕的大提琴手來說,這是一首朗朗上口、旋律優美、寓教於樂的樂曲。伴奏的低音部分特意變成了簡單的鋼琴聲部,以便學生也能演奏"

作曲家: Cirri, Giovanni Battista
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
校訂者: Mohrs, Rainer
樂器: cello and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
A large number of works by the Italian musician Giovanni Battista Cirri (1724-1808) from Forlì were printed all his life. The busy cello virtuoso naturally wrote works for 'his' instrument mainly, including concertos and sonatas, but also wrote a number of chamber music pieces for other instruments as well as occasional compositions for orchestra or for religious occasions. The present Sonata in C major is ideal for beginners lessons. It is a catchy, melodious and rewarding piece for young cellists which is fun to play (and to listen to). The accompanying bass part has deliberately been turned into a simple piano part so that it can also be played by pupils.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001147354
