Sonata in F op. 2 胡麥爾.貝托爾德 奏鳴曲 大提琴加鋼琴
貝托爾德-胡梅爾(Bertold Hummel)1950 年創作的這首奏鳴曲簡潔明瞭,深深吸引了聽眾。鋼琴的旋律箴言與大提琴富有表現力的樂句(胡默爾自學大提琴演奏)相結合,慢板中自由的大提琴小合唱生動爆發,活潑的終曲中沉思的賦格小節--所有這一切都以一種本能的音樂感構建起來,令人信服"
作曲家: Hummel, Bertold
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Simrock / Benjamin
Bertold Hummel's sonata created in 1950 captivates the listener through its succinctness. The combination of the piano's melodic aphorisms with the expressive phrases of the cello (Hummel was self-taught in cello playing), the free cello cantilena in the slow movement with its vivid outbursts, the lively finale with its contemplative fugato episodes - all of this has been constructed compellingly with a sense of instinctive musicianship.