Sonata G minor op. 32 奏鳴曲小調 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
翰娜-森夫特(Johanna Senfter,1879-1961 年)是馬克斯-雷格(Max Reger)的學生。這首古典音樂作品以一個富有表現力的小提琴主題開始,在 "勃拉姆斯式 "的密集鋼琴背景中,圍繞著兩個任性而俏皮的樂章展開了四個樂章: 第二樂章以 "Lustig, nicht zu schnell "開頭,是一首運用各種協奏技巧的賦格曲。隨後是詼諧調情的 "拉什"(Rasch)迴旋曲式。終曲以旋律簡單的曲調開始,音調近似鄉謠,通過一系列性格變奏,形成一種宏大的姿態,最終回到最初的行板,奏鳴曲安靜地結束。這首奏鳴曲是室內樂曲目中不可多得的精品"
作曲家: Senfter, Johanna
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Johanna Senfter (1879-1961) was a pupil of Max Reger.Beginning with an expressive violin theme in a densely packed, 'Brahms-like' piano setting, the classical four-movement work centres around two capricious and playful movements: Lustig, nicht zu schnell is how the second movement begins, a fugal gem working with all kinds of contrapuntal tricks. This is followed by a scherzo-like, wittily flirting Rasch. The finale begins with a melodically simple tune in an almost folksong-like tone which, by a sequence of character variations, builds to a grand gesture which eventually leads back to the initial cantabile with the sonata coming to a quiet end. A valuable addition to the chamber music repertoire.