
Sonata G Minor Devil's Trill Sonata 塔悌尼 奏鳴曲小調魔鬼的顫音奏鳴曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$830TWD - $830TWD
$830TWD - $830TWD

朱塞佩-塔爾蒂尼的《魔鬼特里爾奏鳴曲》源于作曲家 1713 年的一個夢,在夢中他與魔鬼簽訂了契約,並目睹了魔鬼的精湛演奏。夢醒後,塔爾蒂尼被魔鬼精湛的技藝和絢麗的音樂所震撼,他試圖將夢中所記得的全部內容抄錄下來,但他也承認這只是魔鬼作品的拙劣反映。這首奏鳴曲是為小提琴與低音提琴而作,包含四個樂章:1. 大快板2. 中板快板3. 快板4. 快板4

作曲家: Tartini, Giuseppe
編者: Kehr, Guenter
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Giuseppe Tartini’s Devil’s Trill Sonata came forth from a dream the composer had in 1713 in which he made a pact with the devil and witnessed the latter’s virtuosic playing. After awakening, taken aback by the virtuosic prowess and brilliance of the devil’s music, Tartini attempted to transcribe all he could remember from the dream, though admitted that it was a poor reflection of the devil’s work.The sonata is written for violin with basso continuo and contains four movements:1. Larghetto affettuoso2. Allegro moderato3. Andante4. Allegro assai – Andante – Allegro assai

頁數: 30
重量(g): 140
ISMN: 9790001102759

