
Sonata for Violin and Piano 馬克斯威爾.戴維斯 奏鳴曲小提琴鋼琴 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$2,100TWD - $2,100TWD
$2,100TWD - $2,100TWD

得-麥克斯韋爾-大衛斯爵士被公認為當代最傑出的作曲家之一,2009 年他將迎來 75 歲生日,但他依然多產。"這首小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲是為小提琴大師伊利亞-格林戈爾茨創作的,2008 年在奧克尼的聖馬格努斯音樂節上首次演出。 作品主要以義大利建築為主題,音樂將演奏者和聽眾帶入建築師朱塞佩-雷貝奇尼(Giuseppe Rebecchini)提出的羅馬上空的想像通道。 從 17 世紀的新教堂(Chiesa Nuova)開始,這段奇特的旅程將經過文藝復興時期的教堂、展覽空間、台伯河、玻璃幕牆、雕塑,甚至一座監獄,在那裡可以聽到拉齊奧民間小調在牆後回蕩。 15 分鐘後,旅程在 Gianicolo 結束,在這裡可以欣賞到整個城市的壯麗景色"

作曲家: Maxwell Davies, Sir Peter
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies is universally acknowledged as one of the foremost composers of our time and as he reaches his 75th birthday in 2009 he remains prolific.The sonata for violin and piano was written for the virtuoso violinist, Ilya Gringolts and first performed at the St Magnus Festival in Orkney in 2008. The work is principally concerned with Italian architecture and the music takes both performers and audience across an imaginary walkway over Rome as proposed by the architect Giuseppe Rebecchini. Starting at the 17th Century Chiesa Nuova the exceptional journey passes Renaissance churches, exhibition spaces, the river Tiber, glass façades, sculptures and even a prison where a Lazio folk tune can be heard echoing from behind the walls. The journey ends 15 minutes later at Gianicolo, an area where one can take in breathtaking views over the whole city.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790220131141

