Sonata for Solo Violin op. 47 霍洛威 奏鳴曲 小提琴 小提琴獨奏 博浩版
這首小提琴奏鳴曲創作於 1981 年 8 月,共有四個樂章:第一樂章--在一個簡短的修辭華彩之後,列出了主要的音程形狀,然後在一個緊密爭論的奏鳴曲--快板中發展這些形狀,充滿活力和能量,途中有更多抒情的插曲。 三--是一首延長的迴旋曲,輕盈、飄逸、憨態可掬,兩次被一些未命名的歌劇水舞劇(也有 seria 劇中的角色)中粗魯、強健的插曲打斷;第二段在四重奏中爆發,所有四根弦都在進行多情/和諧的交流:整個結構兩次屈服於(非歌劇性的)三重奏,旋律優美,速度更慢。 第四樂章的標題是 "Frage"--對一個不可能的問題的激昂提問,以及 "Antwort"--其優雅/溫和的回答,三個樂句逐漸變長,最終在整首樂曲的中心音調(如果不是其字面意義上的調性)B 上平靜下來"
作曲家: Holloway, Robin
樂器: violin
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
This Violin Sonata, composed in August 1981, has four movements:I – after a brief rhetorical flourish setting out the principal intervallic shapes, develops them in a closely-argued sonata-allegro, vigorous and energetic with more lyrical interludes en route.II poco adagio – is a set of double variations, the first theme slow and meditative, the second gently-flowing and wistful; the final variant of the first dissolves into a cadenza before closing in adialogue-coda.III – is an extended scherzo, light, airy and silly, twice interrupted by rude, robust episodes from some un-named opera buffa (with opera seria characters too); the second explodes in a quartet in amorous/acrimonious exchange over all four strings: and the entire structure yields two times to a (non-operatic) Trio, melodious and much slower.IV – is entitled Frage – an impassioned asking of an impossible question – and Antwort – its graceful/gentle answer, in three strains growing gradually longer and calming into eventual repose on the entire piece’s central note (if not its literal key), B.