Sonata F major 西貝流士 奏鳴曲大調 小提琴加鋼琴 芬尼卡·蓋爾曼版
F 大調奏鳴曲是西貝柳斯青年時期為自己的樂器--小提琴創作的所有作品中的最後一部,也是發展最成熟的一部。它於 1889 年夏天在洛維薩完成,並于同年在那裡的一個慈善晚會上首演。與西貝柳斯青年時期的許多早期作品相比,這部作品在形式結構上更偏向於浪漫主義,不僅在旋律或和聲方面,而且在與古典傳統的聯繫上也更為緊密。在安魂曲中,西貝柳斯首次引入了民間音樂的元素,從而預示著他在 19 世紀 90 年代創作的許多作品都帶有芬蘭印記"
作曲家: Sibelius, Jean
樂器: Violin and Piano
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
The F major sonata is the last and the most developed of all the works Sibelius wrote during his youth for his own instrument, the violin. It was completed in the summer of 1889 in Loviisa and premiered there the same year at a charity gala. During his youth Sibelius looked to the music of Grieg, which is clearly to be heard in this work not only in the melodies or harmonies but also in the formal structure, which is more romantically oriented than that of many early works from Sibeliuss youth, which are more closely tied to the classical tradition. In the andante Sibelius introduces aspects of folk music for the first time, thereby anticipating the Finnish stamp of many of his pieces from the 1890s.