
Sonata E minor op. 38/1 隆貝爾格.伯恩哈德 奏鳴曲小調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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伯恩哈德-羅姆貝格(Bernhard Romberg,1767-1841 年)可能是當時最偉大的大提琴演奏家,生前可與帕格尼尼相媲美。羅姆伯格廣受歡迎的 E 小調三重奏最初是《中提琴與大提琴三重奏》作品 38 的第一部分。大提琴獨奏由中提琴和第二把大提琴伴奏。另外兩首三重奏難度更大,有大量的段落、拇指位置、男高音和小提琴譜號。E小調三重奏作品38/1被多次改編,並為不同的樂器組合譜寫。本版參考了弗裡德里希-古斯塔夫-揚森(Friedrich Gustav Jansen,1837-1910 年)為中提琴和鋼琴改編的流行曲目,是音樂課和音樂會的理想之選。該版本是全新肖特學生版系列的一部分,為器樂課程提供了從 1 級(簡單)到 5 級(困難)五個不同難度級別的各種文學作品:印刷版或電子版印刷版或 PDF 下載版高效而愉悅地練習樂曲的伴奏曲目可作為下載"

作曲家: Romberg, Bernhard
編者: Ellis, Beverley
校訂者: Jansen, Friedrich Gustav
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Bernhard Romberg (1767–1841) probably was the greatest cello virtuoso of his time and compared to Paganini in his lifetime. He gave cello lessons at the famous Conservatoire de Paris among others.Romberg's popular Trio in E minor originally was the first part of the Trois Trios d’une Difficulté Progressive pour le Violoncelle Viola et Violoncelle Op. 38. The solo violoncello was accompanied by a viola and a second violoncello. The two other trios are much more difficult, with a lot of passage work, thumb position, tenor and violin clef.The Trio in E minor Op. 38/1 was arranged many times and scored for various combinations of instruments. This edition refers to the popular arrangement for violoncello and piano by Friedrich Gustav Jansen (1837–1910) which is ideal for music lessons and concerts.Also available is another arrangement of the Trio Op. 38/1 for three violoncellos (SE 1008). The easy bass part can be played by another student.This edition is part of the new Schott Student Edition series which offers varied literature at five different levels of difficulty, from 1 (easy) to 5 (difficult), for instrumental lessons:In print or electronic formatAvailable as printed editions or PDF downloadPractising – efficiently and with pleasureAccompanying tracks of the pieces available as downloads

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 44
重量(g): 180
ISMN: 9790001161978
UPC: 841886028715

