
Sonata D Major op. 9/3 勒克雷爾 奏鳴曲大調 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

讓-瑪麗-勒克雷爾(1697-1764 年)出生于里昂。他曾在都靈師從科雷利的學生索米斯(J.B. Somis),1728 年起長期居住在巴黎,1736 年之前一直是皇家禮拜堂的小提琴家。勒克雷爾屬於偉大的古典小提琴大師;他被認為是法國頭號小提琴作曲家。本版提供了兩首奏鳴曲,分別來自作品 9 第 4 冊第 3 號 D 大調和第 5 號 A 小調。本版所提供的鋼琴譜完全按照原作的方式複製了小提琴部分和編號低音部分

作曲家: Leclair, Jean-Marie
編者: Polnauer, Frederick F.
樂器: violin and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
Jean Marie Leclair l'aîné (1697-1764) was born in Lyon. He studied u.a. in Turin at J.B. Somis, a pupil of Corelli, lived from 1728 permanently in Paris and was active until 1736 as a violinist of the Royal Chapel. Leclair belongs to the great classical masters of the violin; he is considered the number one French composer for the violin.This edition offers two sonatas from the 4th book, op. 9, no. 3, D major and No. 5, A minor. The source for this was a copy of the New York Public Library's copy of the first edition published in Paris in 1738.The piano score presented in this edition reproduces the violin part and the numbered bass exactly in the exact manner as the original.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790001102612

