
Sonata C major op. 3/3 奏鳴曲大調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

斯蒂芬-帕克斯頓(Stephen Paxton)是英國巴羅克和古典時期過渡時期最重要的大提琴作曲家之一。 斯蒂芬-帕克斯頓是英國巴羅克和古典時期過渡時期最重要的大提琴作曲家之一。他為業餘大提琴演奏家和學生創作的奏鳴曲作品 3 填補了曲目上的一大空白。 這首三樂章奏鳴曲作品 3/3 非常適合大提琴演奏,旋律優美動人。 這首奏鳴曲可以用前四個指位演奏。作為一名大提琴家,帕克斯頓非常熟悉他的樂器的技術能力,並知道如何用簡單而有效的音色讓它歌唱。第一樂章由兩部分組成,中間部分採用 C 小調,極富表現力。 慢板採用了一首愛爾蘭民歌(Gramachree),最後是兩個舞蹈樂章(小步舞曲 1 和 2)。新版再現了首版印刷版的所有細節,只是在方括號中添加了一些動態標記。低音部分採用了早期古典鍵盤伴奏的風格,以突出樂曲的洛可哥風格"

作曲家: Paxton, Stephen
樂器: cello and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
Stephen Paxton was one of the most important English composers for the cello in the transitional period between the Baroque and Classical eras. As the cello repertoire does not feature many very early Classical works his Sonatas op. 3, written for amateur cellists and students, fill a significant gap in tuition repertoire. This three-movement Sonata op. 3/3 is very well suited to the cello and distinguished by its elegant and appealing melodies. The sonata can be played using the first four finger positions. As a cellist Paxton was very familiar with the technical capabilities of his instrument and knew how to make it sing with simple and effective figures. The first movement consists of two sections and has an expressive middle section in C minor. The slow movement uses an Irish folk song (‘Gramachree’), with two dance movements (Minuet 1 and 2) at the end.This new edition reproduces all the details of the first printed version, with just a few dynamic markings added in square brackets. The bass part has been written out in the style of an early Classical keyboard accompaniment so as to underline the galant rococo style of the piece.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790001202992
UPC: 841886024939
