
Sonata A Minor Wq 132 巴赫卡爾‧菲利普‧艾曼紐 奏鳴曲小調 長笛獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫的次子卡爾-菲力浦-伊曼紐爾-巴赫被任命為泰勒曼的繼任者,擔任漢薩鎮漢堡五大教堂的音樂總監。C.Ph.E. 巴赫創作了多部長笛作品,以及大量的單簧管、鋼琴作品和室內樂作品。A 小調長笛獨奏奏鳴曲》寫於 1747 年,被認為是當代最重要的長笛奏鳴曲之一"

作曲家: Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
編者: Ruf, Reinhard Matthias
樂器: flute
出版社: Schott Music
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, second oldest son of Johann Sebastian Bach, was appointed successor to Telemann as musical director at the five main churches of the Hanseatic town of Hamburg. C.Ph.E. Bach wrote several works for flute as well as numerous sinfonias and a substantial body of compositions for the piano and chamber music pieces. The Sonata in A minor for solo flute was written in 1747 and is regarded as one of the most important contemporary flute sonatas.

頁數: 11
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001123273

