Solobook Band 3 長笛獨奏
編者: Otto, Gerhard
樂器: Flute
出版社: Simrock / Benjamin
J.S. Bach: Suite B Minor - J.J. Quantz: Concerto G Major - W.A. Mozart: Concerto No. 1 G Major - Concerto No. 2 G Major - F. Schubert: Introduction and Variations of Ihr Blümlein alle, Op. 160 - J. Ibert: from the 1st Movement of Sonatina Jeux - F. Martin: from the Ballad - H. Tomasi: from the 1st Movement of Concertino E Major
This new edition of the three-volume Solo Album for Flute, containing some of the most important works constituting the soloist's repertoire, is primarily intended to serve as a guide to young students wishing to acquire practical knowledge.