Six Sonatas a tre op. 5 Vol. 2 洛卡泰利 奏鳴曲 雙小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
為兩把小提琴或長笛和連續低音管創作的 6 首三重奏奏鳴曲,作品 V,最初於 1736 年在作曲家的指導下在阿姆斯特丹出版。本版本由皮耶拉-費德里奇(Piera Federici)編輯,由菲利波-拉維紮(Filippo Ravizza)完成巴索連奏,以阿姆斯特丹-克雷莫納彼得-安東尼奧-洛卡特利基金會(Stichting-Fondazione Pietro Antonio Locatelli)在阿爾伯特-鄧寧(Albert Dunning)指導下聯合出版的評論版文本為基礎
作曲家: Locatelli, Pietro Antonio
編者: Federici, Piera
樂器: 2 violins (flutes) and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
No. 4-6
The 6 Trio Sonatas, Op. V, for 2 Violins or Flutes and Basso continuo were originally published in Amsterdam in 1736 under the supervision of the composer. The present edition - edited by Piera Federici with realization of the Basso continuo by Filippo Ravizza - is based on the text of the Critical Edition published in association with the Stichting-Fondazione Pietro Antonio Locatelli, Amsterdam-Cremona, under the direction of Albert Dunning.