
Six Little Piano Pieces, Op. 19 荀貝格 鋼琴 小品

$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

對於如何在沒有音調背景的情況下塑造音樂過程的問題,勳伯格的圈子找到的答案之一就是對形式的極度精簡。1911年,勳伯格創作了鋼琴小品六首作品19,其對本質的專注堪稱傳奇。在其轉瞬即逝的姿態背後,隱藏著深邃的內涵,尤其是在最後一首曲子中,它假定參考了古斯塔夫-馬勒 1911 年 5 月 21 日的葬禮。伊曼紐爾-阿克斯的指法經過深思熟慮,他邀請所有鋼琴家重新欣賞這些小品"

作曲家: Schoenberg Arnold
樂器: Piano
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
One of the answers found by Schönberg's circle to the question about how musical processes could be shaped without a tonal context was in the extreme streamlining of the form. With Schönberg's Six Little Piano Pieces op. 19 of 1911, the concentration on the essential is legendary. Behind its fleeting gestures lie hidden depths, shown especially through its supposed reference in the last piece to Gustav Mahler's funeral on 21 May 1911. With his carefully considered fingerings, Emanuel Ax invites all pianists to engage with these miniatures anew.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
頁數: 23
重量(g): 116.235
UPC: 196288088127
