
Sing Freedom! Voice and Piano 鋼琴 聲樂

來自 Novello
$650TWD - $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD

瑪格麗特-漢密爾頓 這本獨特的南非歌曲集收錄了 35 首在教堂、工作場所和集會上演唱的人民之歌。本書首次為教堂、學校和學院提供了表演這些美妙的解放之歌和基督教讚歌的機會。瑪姬-漢密爾頓(Maggie Hamilton)對這些歌曲進行了轉錄和介紹,包括演奏說明,並為無伴奏聲部編寫了吉他符號,可用於齊唱或二聲部演唱。其中許多曲調和其餘部分都很簡單,適合用雙簧管、木笛或其他旋律樂器演奏。由 Novello 與基督教援助組織聯合出版"

校訂者: Margaret Hamilton
樂器: Voice; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Novello

Abasundu Nabamhlope
Hamba Vangeli
Klim Op Die Wa
Mandela Prescrbes For Fr
Mandela Wethu
Monateng Kapele
Nkosi Sikelel' Iafrika
Rolihlahla Mandela
Siky Rin Gwana
Siyay Epitori
Songena Sirubuluza
Thuma Mina
Tumelo Yaka Ha Nkeke Ka E
Uthando Lwakhe

Margaret Hamilton. This unique collection of songs from South Africa contains 35 songs of the people, performed in churches, workplaces and at gatherings. This book provides the first opportunity for churches, schools and colleges to perform these wonderful songs of liberation and Christian praise. Transcribed and introduced, including performance notes, by Maggie Hamilton and written for unaccompanied voices with guitar symbols for use with unison or two-part singing. The simplicity of many of the tunes and remaining parts makes them suitable for playing on glockenspiels, recorders or other melodic instruments. Published by Novello in association with Christian Aid.
頁數: 36
重量(g): 141.75
EAN: 9780853601586
UPC: 884088465308
