
Sentimental for cornet in Eb (flugelhorn in B) 艾厄特沃斯 短號 法國號 小號獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$500TWD - $500TWD
$500TWD - $500TWD

在一部作品中交替演奏兩種樂器的想法來自克拉克-特裡,我曾在一段視頻中看到過他。除了他在兩種樂器之間交替演奏的高超技藝外,我還發現音色的對比是一個有趣的概念,就好像小提琴手改拉大提琴一樣。降 E 小號的音色柔和、如天鵝絨般細膩,與音色尖銳的小號相比,它更接近長號。"多愁善感 "的音樂需要平滑的音色。這首曲子是我向邁爾斯-大衛斯(Miles Davis)和切特-貝克(Chet Baker)致敬的作品,他們是我年輕時的兩位偶像。彼得-埃特沃斯,2017 年

作曲家: Eötvös, Peter
樂器: Cornet in Eb (also flugelhorn in Bb)
出版社: Schott Music
The idea of playing two instruments alternately in a single work came from Clark Terry whom I saw in a video. Alongside his virtuosity in alternating between the two instruments, I found the contrast in tonal colouring an interesting concept, almost as if a violinist changed to playing the violoncello. The small cornet in E flat possesses a soft and velvety timbre which is closer to the flugelhorn than the better-known trumpet with its more incisive tone. “Sentimental” music requires smooth sounds. This composition is my tribute to Miles Davis and Chet Baker, two idols of my youth. Peter Eötvös, 2017

頁數: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001204651
UPC: 842819101673

