Scherzo, Op. 48 for Woodwind Quintet Score and Parts 詼諧曲 木管樂器 木管五重奏
迴旋曲,作品 48是為管樂五重奏(長笛、雙簧管、單簧管、巴松管、圓號)創作的一首非常抒情的樂曲,時長約 2 分 30 秒。作品以主旋律快板開始,各樂器對主旋律進行變奏,最後以阿尼曼多結束。這讓人想起電影中的懸念音樂。這首不安分的樂曲需要很好地掌握呼吸技巧。 本書附有樂譜和樂段。歐仁-博紮曾在巴黎音樂學院獲得小提琴、指揮和作曲一等獎,以及羅馬大獎。他創作了多部歌劇、室內樂作品和芭蕾舞劇等"
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Woodwind Quintet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Scherzo Op. 48
Scherzo, Op. 48 is a really lyrical piece for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn) which lasts around 2 minutes 30 seconds. The work starts allegro vivo with the main theme and some variations of this theme by each instrument then appear to end up on a final Animando. It reminds of music played to hold suspense during movies. This restless piece requires a good mastering of breathing techniques. This book features score and parts. Eugène Bozza won different prizes at the Conservatoire de Paris such as the First Prizes for the Violin, conducting and composition, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He composed several operas, chamber works and ballets among others.