
Scherzo in E-Flat minor, Op. 4 Revised Edition 布拉姆斯 詼諧曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

迴旋曲作品 4 4 作於 1851 年,當時勃拉姆斯還不到 20 歲,它是這位年輕作曲家和鋼琴家向有影響力的音樂家介紹自己的一張名片。1853 年,勃拉姆斯還多次向舒曼夫婦演奏了這首迴旋曲,並由此啟發了年長的舒曼寫下了著名的文章 "Neue Bahnen"(新途徑)。在這篇文章中,舒曼稱讚 "單首鋼琴曲,其中一些精神激蕩,形式優美"。Henle出版了這首迄今為止僅在HN 38卷中有單行本的作品。最近,它根據新版《勃拉姆斯全集》的音樂文本進行了修訂,現在還包含了安德莉亞斯-博伊德(Andreas Boyde)的新指法"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Andreas Boyde
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The Scherzo op. 4 was written in 1851 – Brahms was not even 20 years old – and was a kind of calling card with which the young composer and pianist introduced himself to influential musicians. He also played the Scherzo to the Schumanns several times in 1853, and thus might have inspired his older colleague to write the famous article “Neue Bahnen” (New Ways). In it, Schumann praised “single piano pieces, some of them turbulent in spirit while graceful in form.” Henle has published the work that has until now only been available in the volume HN 38 in a single edition. It has recently been revised following the musical text of the new Brahms Complete Edition and now also contains new fingerings by Andreas Boyde.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 102.06
UPC: 884088959661

