
Scales and Arpeggios 音階琶音 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD
$1,240TWD - $1,240TWD

來自鹿特丹的莫里斯-弗蘭克(Maurits Frank,1892-1959 年)是 20 世紀初的著名大提琴家之一。他曾師從巴勃羅-卡薩爾斯(Pablo Casals)等人,並與保羅-欣德米特(Paul Hindemith)合作組成雷布納和阿瑪爾四重奏(Rebner and Amar Quartet)。後來,他在科隆音樂學院擔任大提琴和室內樂教師。他的研究涉及提高左手技巧的四個音樂實踐領域:音準、靈活性、伸展能力和肌肉鍛煉。在序言中,著名的大提琴教師瑪麗亞-克裡格爾(Maria Kliegel)就如何合理地練習音階和三和弦提出了預備性的想法"

作曲家: Frank, Maurits
編者: Kliegel, Maria
樂器: cello
出版社: Schott Music
Maurits Frank (1892-1959) from Rotterdam was one of the leading cellists in the early 20th century. He studied with Pablo Casals among others and was a partner of Paul Hindemith in the Rebner and Amar Quartet. Later he worked as a teacher of violoncello and chamber music at the Cologne Academy of Music. His studies deal with four music practice areas for the improvement of left-hand technique: intonation, dexterity, stretching capacity and muscle build-up. In the preface, the renowned cello teacher Maria Kliegel presents preparatory thoughts on how to sensibly practise scales and triads.

頁數: 64
重量(g): 280
ISMN: 9790001140553

