
Scales and Arpeggios 480 Exercises for Flute 長笛 音階 練習曲

$1,560TWD - $1,560TWD
$1,560TWD - $1,560TWD

法國長笛演奏家和作曲家馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse,1889-1984 年)於 1933 年出版的 Gammes et ArpègesExercices Journaliers (1922 年)的後續作品,為中級長笛演奏家提供了一套 480 個練習。作品開頭的表格列出了每節 30 分鐘的 12 個練習,其中包括三種類型的練習:大調音階、小調音階和三至四個音符的琶音。馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse)被一些音樂家譽為長笛大師,他創作了許多長笛演奏法和練習曲,阿爾方斯-勒杜克(Alphonse Leduc)也曾出版過他的作品,如Mécanisme-Chromatisme(1927 年)和De la Sonorité(1934 年)。他的演奏方法在世界範圍內得到廣泛應用和認可"

作曲家: Marcel Mose
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Published in 1933, Gammes et Arpèges, by the French flautist and composer Marcel Moyse (1889-1984), follows on from Exercices Journaliers (1922) and proposes a set of 480 exercises for intermediate flautists. A table at the beginning organizes the work setting 12 exercises per period of 30 minutes, and three types of exercises can be found: major scales, minor scales and arpeggios of three to four notes. Considered as a maestro by some musicians, Marcel Moyse has composed many flute methods and exercise books also published by Alphonse Leduc, such as Mécanisme-Chromatisme (1927) and De la Sonorité (1934). His methods are widely used and recognised worldwide.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 130.41
UPC: 888680787899

