Rêverie G minor op. 92/2 哥特曼 小調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
格奧爾格-戈爾特曼(Georg Goltermann,1824-1898 年)為他的樂器留下了大量的作品,其中包括七首大提琴協奏曲,這些作品在當今的大提琴文學中仍然發揮著重要作用。此外,他還創作了大量人物小品,包括浪漫曲、遐想曲、夜曲和小夜曲。這些作品在風格上完全根植於當時的浪漫主義精神,篇幅相對較短,難度適中。G小調抒情小夜曲作品92/2》的旋律和和聲朗朗上口,在課堂和音樂會上都很受歡迎。快板 "這一表達標記指的是樂曲的基本特徵,尤其要求富有表現力的顫音和豐富的變調"
作曲家: Goltermann, George
編者: Zumkley, Fritz
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Georg Goltermann (18241898) left a plethora of works for his instrument, including seven cello concertos which still play an important role in the cello literature of today. In addition, he composed a large number of character pieces, including romances, reveries, nocturnes and serenades. Rooted entirely in the romantic spirit of their time with regard to style, they are relatively short pieces of medium difficulty. It is not least due to its melodic and harmonic catchiness that the rather easy Rêverie in G minor Op. 92/2 enjoys great popularity both in lessons and in concerts. The expression marking 'Allegro appassionato' refers to the fundamental character of the piece which demands, in particular, an expressive vibrato rich in modulation.