Romanze E minor op. 17 哥特曼 浪漫曲 小調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
戈爾特曼是 19 世紀炙手可熱的作曲家,在他的作品中,尤其是他的大提琴協奏曲至今仍為人們所津津樂道,在他那個時代,有些作品在技巧上達到了樂器的極限。然而,戈爾特曼也創作了大量難度中等的短小精悍的作品。這些浪漫曲、遐想曲、夜曲和小夜曲由於旋律和和聲朗朗上口,至今仍在課堂上和家庭音樂創作中廣為流傳
作曲家: Goltermann, George
編者: Zumkley, Fritz
校訂者: Zumkley, Fritz
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Of the compositions by Goltermann, who was a sought-after composer in the 19th century, it is particularly his cello concertos that are still remembered today and which, in his day, in some cases went to the instrument's limits with regard to technique. However, Goltermann also composed a large number of short character pieces of medium difficulty. These romances, reveries, nocturnes and serenades still enjoy great popularity in lessons and while music-making at home due to their catchy melodies and harmonies.The Romance in E minor Op. 17 was written in 1852 as an independent piece.