Ring Dance for two violins 舞曲 小提琴 雙小提琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
英國作曲家朱利安-安德森(Julian Anderson)為兩把小提琴創作的這首早期作品,在演奏時被要求 "帶著難以想像的喜悅!",非常適合音樂學院的學生和絃樂四重奏,以創造性的方式演奏
作曲家: Anderson, Julian
樂器: 2 violins
出版社: Schott Music
With the instruction that the work should be played “With unimaginable joy!”, this early work for two violins by British composer Julian Anderson would be perfect for both conservatory students and string quartets looking to programme creatively.