Recomposed by Max Richter - Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Violin with Piano Accompaniment 韋瓦第 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏)
此版本與馬克斯-裡希特(Max Richter)在德國留聲機公司的暢銷唱片中錄製的版本一致。附帶一張下載卡,內含樂曲的完整演示錄音和純鋼琴伴奏音軌。
作曲家: Antonio Vivaldi
改編者: Max Richter
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Chester Music
Four Seasons Recomposed
This edition matches the version recorded by Max Richter on the chart-topping Deutsche Grammophon recording. Includes a download card with full demonstration recordings of the pieces and piano-only accompaniment tracks.