Quintet for Clarinet and Strings 林德貝里馬格努斯 弦樂五重奏
芬蘭作曲家馬格努斯-林德伯格 40 歲時已成為世界上最繁忙的音樂會作曲家之一。他的音樂採用了各種現代創新手法,但在和聲和形式設計上又有新古典主義的傾向,這使他的作品吸引了眾多聽眾。單簧管與弦樂五重奏》由庫赫莫室內樂音樂節委約創作,1992 年在芬蘭首次演出。用作曲家自己的話說 "儘管時間較長(近 20 分鐘),但這部作品是一個連續的樂章。各樂章或基於由不同音階組成的靜態材料,使音樂呈現出'昆蟲般的'外觀,或基於方向性過程,迫使音樂逐漸改變特性,甚至在物理上將音樂推向極端音域或速度
作曲家: Magnus Lindberg
樂器: Clarinet; String Ensemble
出版社: Chester Music
Clarinet Quintet
By the age of forty, Finnish composer Magnus Lindberg was one of the busiest concert composers in the world. His music avails itself of all manner of modern innovations, but there is a Neo-Classical orientation in his harmonies and formal design that makes his works appealing to a wide audience. The Quintet for Clarinet and Strings was comissioned by Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and first performed in this festival in Finland in 1992. In the composer's own words: 'Despite its rather extended duration (almost 20 minutes) the work is in one continuous movement. Sections are based on either a static material composed of different scales giving the music an 'insect like' appearance, or on directional processes forcing the music to gradually change character or even physically pushing the music to extreme registers or speed.' This is the score.