
Quatre Variations Sur Un Theme De Domenico Scarlatti Pour Trompette (ou Cornet) Et Pian 短號 變奏曲 小號

$1,390TWD - $1,390TWD
$1,390TWD - $1,390TWD

馬塞爾-比奇(1921-2011 年)出生于圖盧茲,曾在巴黎音樂學院學習,後成為該學院對位法教授。作為一位多才多藝的作曲家,比奇創作了管弦樂作品、室內樂作品以及大量管樂器作品和研究作品。村莊》是中音薩克斯管曲目中的精品。 比奇的《村莊》於 1953 年出版,適合中級薩克斯演奏者演奏,其中包含一系列令人興奮的音樂元素,包括不同的銜接、調式、時標變化,以及大量的動態、節奏和演奏方向的變化。這首馬塞爾-比奇為中音薩克斯管和鋼琴創作的作品所包含的音樂元素非常豐富,是中級薩克斯管演奏家的必備曲目""

作曲家: Marcel Bitsch
樂器: Trumpet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Quatre Variations

“Born in Toulouse, Marcel Bitsch (1921-2011) went on to study at the Paris Conservatoire before becoming a professor of counterpoint at the institution. As an exceptionally versatile composer, Bitsch has composed orchestral works, chamber works and numerous pieces and studies for wind instruments. Four Variations on a Theme by Domenico Scarlatti is a significant addition to the Trumpet and Cornet repertoire. Suited to advanced level trumpeters and cornetists, Bitsch's Four Variations on a Theme by Domenico Scarlatti includes a variety of technical aspects as well as sublime musicality. In his latter years, Bitsch dedicated himself to the analysis of music by the Baroque masters. It is clear that his inspiration for Four Variations on a Theme by Domenico Scarlatti comes from his passion for and interest in the era. The variety of this exciting Bitsch piece is outstanding, creating a necessary, inspiring addition to the Trumpet and Cornet repertoire.”
頁數: 14
重量(g): 87.885
UPC: 888680867775
