
Quartet (four Bb Clarinets) 四重奏

$2,460TWD - $2,460TWD
$2,460TWD - $2,460TWD

"《四重奏》由皮埃爾-馬克斯-杜波依斯(Pierre-Max Dubois)作曲,是為四支降B調單簧管而作的一首充滿活力、旋律優美的樂曲。樂曲時長約 10 分鐘,分為四個不同的部分:1.快板、2.快板、3.牧歌和 4.小步舞曲。Musette. 在整首樂曲中,單簧管在這部快速作品中完成了彼此的部分。第一部分是一個帶有一些變奏的重複主題,而第二部分似乎更多地是在低音域和高音域方面進行演奏。牧歌部分速度較慢,略顯平淡。樂曲以 Musette 結束,在結束前又帶來了一些活力。 這首曲子非常適合在音樂會或獨奏會上演奏。 皮埃爾-馬克斯-杜波依斯(Pierre Max Dubois,1930-1995 年),法國作曲家,1955 年獲羅馬大獎。他主要創作古典音樂,作品以木管樂器為主。他是 "六人團 "的創始人之一,其中包括他的教授達柳斯-米爾豪(Darius Milhaud)""

作曲家: Pierre Max Dubois
出版社: Alphonse Leduc


“Composed by Pierre-Max Dubois, Quartet is a really energetic and melodious piece for four Bb Clarinets. Lasting approximately 10 minutes, it is divided into four distinct parts: 1. Allegretto, 2. Allegro, 3. Pastorale and 4. Musette. During the whole piece, the Clarinets complete each others part on this fast work. The first part has a repetitive theme with some variations while the second one seems to be playing more on the aspects of the low and high ranges. The Pastorale section is slower and slightly less cheerful. The piece ends on the Musette which brings back some energy before the end. This piece would be perfect to play during a concert or a recital. Pierre Max Dubois (1930-1995) was a French composer who was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1955. Mainly composing classical music, his works are mainly for woodwinds. He is one of the founder of the Les Six and which included his professor, Darius Milhaud.”
頁數: 13
重量(g): 206.955
UPC: 888680836917
