Progress in Flute Playing Op. 33 - Book 2 12 Intermediate Studies for Solo Flute 長笛
組成《長笛演奏進展作品 33》的三本練習曲旨在補充科勒長笛教學法的課程。這些練習曲的級別從 4 級到 8 級甚至更高。第二冊包含 12 首中級練習曲,由愛德華-布萊克曼編輯"
作曲家: Ernesto Köhler
校訂者: Edward Blakeman
樂器: Flute
出版社: Chester Music
The three books of studies which make up the Progress in Flute Playing Op.33, were intended to compliment the course of instruction in Kohler's flute method. The studies range from Grade 4 to Grade 8 and beyond. Book two contains 12 intermediate studies, which have been edited by Edward Blakeman.