Premier Solos Concertos Classiques - Concerto No. 29, Solo No. 1 for Violin and Piano 韋歐第 協奏曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏)
巴黎小提琴家喬治-凱薩琳(Georges Catherine,1872-1958 年)為小提琴曲目編制了令人興奮的曲集。維奧蒂《第 29 號協奏曲》的第一首獨奏曲印製清晰,並附有非同尋常的技巧提示。維奧蒂(1755-1824 年)是義大利小提琴大師。他創作了多達 29 首小提琴協奏曲,至今仍是高級小提琴家的熱門曲目。第 29 號協奏曲的小提琴獨奏線使用了擴展技巧,包括和聲、弓法、琶音、快速半音和雙音停止。凱薩琳的《經典協奏曲第一獨奏曲摘錄》系列提供了學習重要小提琴曲目的基本途徑,為高級小提琴家學習主要協奏曲做好準備"
作曲家: Giovanni Battista Viotti
樂器: Piano; Violin
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Parisian violinist, Georges Catherine (1872-1958) compiles an exciting collection for the violin repertoire. The first solo from Viotti's Concerto No. 29 is clearly printed with a helpful key of unusual techniques. Viotti (1755-1824) was an Italian violin virtuoso. He composed a significant 29 concertos for the violin which remain popular in the advanced violinist's repertoire. The violin solo line of Concerto No. 29 makes use of extended techniques, including harmonics, bow techniques, aritculations, fast semiquavers, and double stops. Catherine's series, First Solos Extracted from the Classic Concertos provides essential access to significant repertoire of the violin, preparing advanced violinists for the major concertos.