
Prélude, Cadence et Finale for Alto Sax and Piano 終曲中音薩氏管 鋼琴

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$1,690TWD - $1,690TWD

Prélude, Cadence et Finale是阿爾弗雷德-德森克勞斯(Alfred Desenclos)於 1956 年為中音薩克斯管和鋼琴創作的作品,是巴黎音樂學院比賽曲目。Prélude, Cadence et Finale是獻給法國著名薩克斯管演奏家馬塞爾-穆勒的,它分為三個部分,展現了印象派時期的許多作曲技巧。第一部分 "序曲"(Prélude)引入了反復出現的節奏部分,並發展了貫穿全曲的主題。第二部分 "快板 "與薩克斯管的動態快板相對應。尾聲頗具戲劇性,使用了之前出現在樂曲中的一些元素。阿爾弗雷德-德森克洛斯(Alfred Desenclos,1912-1961 年)是一位法國作曲家,曾于 1942 年獲得羅馬大獎。他還為低音提琴、豎琴、長笛、小號或法國號創作了《安魂曲》等彌撒曲和其他作品"

作曲家: Alfred Desenclos
樂器: Piano Accompaniment; Alto Sax
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Prelude Cadence Et Finale Sax

Prélude, Cadence et Finale is a piece for alto saxophone and piano written by Alfred Desenclos in 1956, as a Paris Conservatoire Contest piece. Dedicated to Marcel Mule, the famous French saxophonist, Prélude, Cadence et Finale is divided into three parts and presents many compositional techniques characteristic of the Impressionist period. Prélude, the first section, introduces recurring rhythmic parts and develops themes that will reappear throughout the piece. The second section, Cadence, corresponds to a dynamic saxophone cadenza. The Finale is quite dramatic and uses some of the elements that previously appeared in the piece. Alfred Desenclos (1912-1961) is a French composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1942. He also composed masses such as Messe de Requiem and other pieces for double bass, harp, flute, trumpet or French horn.
頁數: 16
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 888680788308
