Prelude And Allegro (double Bass/tuba/saxhorn/trombone And Piano) 前奏曲 鋼琴 長號
前奏曲和快板》由尤金-博紮創作,可由低音提琴、大號或薩克斯管演奏,並配有鋼琴伴奏。這首曲子以 F 調寫成,適合低音提琴、大號或薩克斯管演奏,具有中級難度。 前奏曲與快板》非常適合獨奏會,演奏者和聽眾都能從中獲得愉悅。 歐仁-博紮曾在巴黎音樂學院獲得小提琴、指揮和作曲一等獎,以及羅馬大獎。他創作了多部歌劇、室內樂作品和芭蕾舞劇""
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Trombone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Prelude And Allegro
“Composed by Eugène Bozza, Prelude and Allegro can be played by Double Bass, Tuba, or Saxhorn with a Piano accompaniment. Written in F for the Double Bass, Tuba or Saxhorn, this piece has an intermediate level of difficulty. Really enjoyable for the players and audiences, Prelude and Allegro would be ideal for a recital. Eugène Bozza won different prizes at the Conservatoire de Paris such as the First Prizes for the Violin, conducting and composition, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He composed several operas, chamber works and ballets among others.”