Praeludium for Violin solo 辛德密特 小提琴 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
瓦爾德-尼爾森(Thorwald Nielsen,1891-1965 年)最初在哥本哈根師從安東-斯文森(Anton Svendsen),自 1914 年起成為丹麥宮廷教堂成員,自 1924 年起作為第一小提琴手領導索瓦爾德-尼爾森四重奏(Thorwald Nielsen-Kvartet),他不僅是 "Ny Musik "的創始成員之一,而且在 "Kammermusikforeningen"(兩個組織,1922 年在哥本哈根組織阿瑪爾四重奏音樂會)中也相當活躍。由於手臂疾病,他不得不在 1936 年放棄小提琴演奏。欣德米特為他獻上了一首 46 小節的'小提琴獨奏前奏曲'--顯然是一種唱片或紀念曲譜--根據其特有的風格,這首曲子是獻給中提琴獨奏奏鳴曲作品 25/1 第 4 樂章的"
作曲家: Hindemith, Paul
編者: Kube, Michael
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Thorwald Nielsen (1891-1965) who first studied with Anton Svendsen in Copenhagen, was a member to the Danish Court Chapel since 1914 and led the Thorwald Nielsen-Kvartet as first violinist since 1924, is not only one of the founding members of 'Ny Musik' but was also quite active in the 'Kammermusikforeningen', two societies acting as organizers of concerts of the Amar Quartet in Copenhagen in 1922. Due to arm trouble, he had to give up playing the violin in 1936. Hindemith dedicated to him a 46-bar 'Prelude for violin solo' - apparently a kind of albumblatt or commemorative sheet - which, according to its characteristic style, is committed to the 4th movement from the Sonata for viola solo Op. 25/1.