
Potpourri op. 118 On themes from Weber's the opera Der Freischütz 主題 歌劇魔彈射手 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$940TWD - $940TWD
$940TWD - $940TWD

維爾茨堡宮廷音樂家、小提琴獨奏家約瑟夫-庫夫納(Joseph Küffner,1776-1856 年)雖然因職業原因不得不從事軍樂創作,但他也創作了一系列交響曲、管弦樂作品和協奏曲。在室內樂領域,他喜歡根據流行的歌劇旋律創作鍋莊舞曲: 在 19 世紀沒有 CD 的年代,如果新作品沒有登上舞臺,那麼在家中播放歌劇集錦就是最重要的工作。庫夫納將韋伯的《自由之歌》中的精彩片段編成了長笛(或小提琴)和鋼琴的混合曲目,保證了音樂的愉悅性!

作曲家: Kueffner, Joseph / Weber, Carl Maria von
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
樂器: violin (flute) and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Although the Würzburg court musician and violin soloist Joseph Küffner (1776–1856) had to deal with military music for professional reasons, he had also written a series of symphonies, orchestral works and concertos. In the field of chamber music, he liked to compose potpourris on popular opera melodies: In the days of no CDs in the 19th century, playing opera highlights at home was the most important occupation with new works – if they were not seen on the stage itself. Küffner made the highlights of Weber's 'Freischütz' into a potpourri for flute (or violin) and piano – with pleasant music-making guaranteed!

頁數: 28
重量(g): 130
ISMN: 9790001178952

