
Popular Nocturnes Edited from the sources by Jan Ekier. Fingerings by Jan Ekier 蕭邦 流行音樂 夜曲 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

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$500TWD - $500TWD

從約 1828 年到生命的最後幾年,弗雷德里克-蕭邦一次又一次地投身於 19 世紀初興起的夜曲體裁。作為浪漫主義風格的作品,這些夜曲尤其能喚起人們對傍晚和夜晚的遐想,是蕭邦最具詩意的鋼琴作品之一。因此,蕭邦的作品也廣受歡迎,這也是我們選擇其中最受歡迎、同時在技術上也較為簡單的作品的原因。這些樂曲不僅是學生們的理想選擇,也是鋼琴演奏音樂愛好者們沉浸在迷人音詩中的理想選擇,正如揚-克萊琴斯基(Jan Kleczynski)在 1866 年所意識到的那樣,這些樂曲是一把'揭開大師其他更偉大作品秘密的鑰匙'"

作曲家: Chopin, Frédérice
編者: Ekier, Jan
校訂者: Ekier, Jan
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Nocturne E minor, op. posth. - Nocturne C sharp minor, op. posth. - Nocturne E flat major, op. 9/2 - Nocturne B major, op. 32/1 - Nocturne F minor, op. 55/1

From ca. 1828 until the last years of his life, Frédéric Chopin devoted himself again and again to the nocturne genre emerging at the beginning of the 19th century. As Romantic character pieces evoking, in particular, evening and night moods, they actually count among Chopin's most poetic piano works. Their popularity is correspondingly large - that is reason enough to compile a selection of the most popular and at the same time technically somewhat easier pieces. The present pieces are ideal for pupils but also for piano-playing music lovers to immerse in the charming sound poems and, as already realized by Jan Kleczynski in 1866, to obtain a key 'to reveal the secrets of the other, even greater works of the master'.
頁數: 24
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790500573289
ISBN: 9783850557023
UPC: 800522002625